The Prisoning: Fletcher's Quest Is Not A Game For Anyone With A Peanut Allergy

The Prisoning: Fletcher's Quest
Source: Steam

The Prisoning: Fletcher’s Quest is immediately complex: escape the prison of your mind by playing a game about escaping the prison of your mind. Wait, are Elden Pixels (Alwa’s Legacy) attached? Count me in.

Based on a true story, loosely, you play an anxiety-fueled 43-year-old. Ha! I’m already there. ‘On the brink of physical and emotional burnout during the last stages of an intense game project’, this game developer divorcee father of two is also a Honkey Tonk musician and craft beer enthusiast. Relevant? Well, you’ll be escaping their mind, so yeah, it’s crucial you know your architect.

In The Prisoning: Fletcher’s Quest, you’ll need to beat all five prison bosses in this platform adventure that covers Mars, an insane asylum, and inside a computer. It’s already sounding mad.

The Prisoning: Fletcher’s Quest is heavy on metaphor and self-reflection, but hey, if you’re not down with all that anxiety, these points can be completely skipped, and you can plough your way through another tight metroidvania with killer mechanics, a banging chipmusic soundtrack, and more pixel art than you can stomach!

Mikael Forslind, Game Designer at Elden Pixels

Key features include:

  • Based on a true story and definitely inspired by real events
  • Upgrades, weapons, bosses, enemies and all that jazz
  • Find and defeat the five prison gang leaders, or become their friend!
  • Contains story*
  • これが読めれば日本語が読める。

(* This game is not recommended for anyone with a peanut allergy)

Here’s a trailer:

The Prisoning: Fletcher’s Quest is set for a 2024 release. Add it to your Steam wishlist.