The Ramp Goes With The Flow Of Free-Form Skateboarding

The Ramp Goes With The Flow Of Free-Form Skateboarding
Source: Steam

The Ramp is an upcoming indie title from a newly formed studio, stripped of all fluff and focussed on skateboarding tricks and chillin’. Like a villain.

The only reason why I never dreamed of having my own vert set up in my garden is that I can’t skate. But, like 1000s of others, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater opened my eyes and not my private health insurance bill as skateboarding hasn’t been this good since Ninja Scooter on the ZX Spectrum.

The Ramp - Complete freedom
Complete freedom without broken ankles. Source: Steam

Fortunately then, technology has advanced as Hyperparadise’s new title is a game developer Paul Schnepf (IslandersSuperflight) describes as a skateboard toy. There are no unlockables or fancy gimmicks, just free-form skating set over four levels.

Considering how great Downhill Lonely Mountains was (my GOTY 2020), The Ramp looks to emulate that same serenity of chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin’ all cool with free-roaming and a wicked soundtrack.

Key features include:

  • Born to ride – A stripped-back experience that captures the essence of real life vert skateboarding.
  • Board games – Fly, spin and grind through a choice of four levels, including an empty pool, a half pipe, and one humongous mega jump.
  • All on the table – There are no points, levels or unlockables. Any trick can be performed at any time… provided you’ve got the skills.
  • Pocket pedigree – Created by Paul Schnepf, co-founder of the studio that made Islanders and Superflight. 

Check out The Ramp trailer for yourself:

Out on Steam on the 3rd of August, do yourself a favour and wishlist it now.