The Rise Of Evil DLC For The Last Hero Of Nostalgaia

The Rise of Evil DLC
Source: Steam

Done with Elden Ring and still haven’t tried The Last Hero of Nostalgaia? Shame on you! Oh, you already have the base game and finished it? Good news: The Rise of Evil DLC and PlayStation 5 and Nintendo Switch releases are set for this month.

From Coatsink and Over the Moon, The Last Hero of Nostalgaia is a third-person adventure where you take on the graphically challenged hero of the title, tongue firmly in cheek, while a narrator bends your ear throughout, with often hilarious dialogue.

It’s a bit like Dark Souls but with a retro feel and a sense of humour. The Rise of Evil DLC expands that world further with two new areas: Easymaker’s Retreat and The Builder’s Sanctuary. In addition, there are three new bosses in the extra content.

Check out the new trailer here:

You can read The Last Hero Of Nostalgaia review here, then wait until the 16th of June 2023 for the new content.