That Time On Frog Island Will Be Well Spent

That Time On Frog Island Will Be Well Spent
Source: Steam

What’s that expression I’m looking for…scoff? I scoffed at Time on Frog Island, but only because it sounded silly in my head. Halfway into the trailer, I’m sold: Half Past Yellow’s new game looks cute.

Interesting fact, this wasn’t the original name. Before, the developers had settled on Trading Time: A Croak Tale, but promptly changed to the new name as they feel ‘it better represents the gameplay experience’. So what is that experience?

Time on Frog Island is about a shipwrecked sailor who must befriend the frog-like locals, running many errands in exchange for the parts they need to fix up their boat and get outta Dodge. It’s a sandbox adventure with ‘head-scratching puzzles’ and hidden treasures.

Key features in Time on Frog Island include:

Explore at your own pace

  • Make your own path in this island sandbox, you never know what will be around the next corner!
  • Get to know the froggy locals and help out where you can.
  • Discover new items by fishing and farming, and concoct simple brews that will change how you traverse the island.
  • Learn from the frogs and put your new skills to the test around the island.

Trade to fix your boat

  • Ask around for the items you need, but bear in mind that you might need to do a frog a favour to get what you want.
  • Solve interesting puzzles to get your hands on required items.
  • Try not to get too sidetracked by island life!

Experiment with everything!

  • Run faster, jump higher, fall slower, anything is possible if you’re holding the right item.
  • Discover different ways to complete those crucial trades.
  • Each object you pick up could end up being the key to something bigger

Here’s that Time on Frog Island trailer I mentioned:

The game is due for release on Steam, PS4/5, Xboxeseses and the Switch. A physical edition will be available for the console versions, which can be pre-ordered now.