Timothy Vs The Aliens Adds Some Colour To Steam And The Switch

Timothy Vs The Aliens coming to Steam and Switch
Source: Wildsphere

If you don’t own a PS4 and you want to take on aliens in a film noir adventure that knows how to use colour, you’re in luck as Timothy Vs The Aliens is coming to the Switch and Steam next week.

I know, right? You play Timothy, a wise guy with an ace up his sleeve but prefers to wear on his hat. Why, you ask? Beat it, kid. You bother me, see. Nah, he was given this card years ago, and it has ‘special powers’.

Timothy Vs The Aliens - Vantage point
Vantage point. Source: Wildsphere

In Timothy Vs the Aliens from Wildsphere (NaughtFlying Soldiers), it’s a third-person action title where you have to thwart the alien invaders who dare to add some colour to this black and white saga.

If you missed the review, here it is for the PS4. As for a trailer? Here you go:

Timothy Vs the Aliens will be available for Steam and the Nintendo Switch from the 22nd of July.