Tiny Racer Dinky Little Wheels Spin On The Switch This Month

Tiny Racer Dinky Little Wheels Spin On The Switch This Month
Source: Nintendo

Hold me closer, Tiny Racer, coming out on Nintendo. Switch. I couldn’t get the syllables right for Elton’s infamous song.

Micro Machines has kept the pole for some time now when it comes to miniature racing, but that could all change with IceTorch Interactive’s entrance into the sub-genre.

Either a solo campaign or local multiplayerTiny Racer features a range of arcade options, time trials and tournament modes – competing for the championship title.

Tiny Racer - Camera filter
Camera filtering looks great! Source: Nintendo

Core features of the game include:

  • 15 unique creative tracks – drive around teacups or jump over deckchairs.
  • 8 vehicles – pick the one that suits you best!
  • 3 difficulty levels to match your playstyle.
  • 3 game modes that will provide you with new challenges and keep you engaged.
  • Local multiplayer (up to 2 players), so you can share the fun!

The promo info doesn’t give much more details, so rather than provide a spin on something that doesn’t exist, I’ll aim to have a go at the game and put the review up soon.

In the meantime, check out the trailer below:

Tiny Racer is out on the Nintendo Switch on the 31st of July.