Too Many Humans Episode One Out: Destroy All Humans - Again!

Too Many Humans out now
Source: Steam

Too Many Humans: a sentiment that echoes for every modern bad guy, hell-bent on culling the Earth’s population. Fortunately, there’s no evil mastermind at work here – on the contrary, you’ll be commanding a horde of braindead zombies intent on wiping out humanity to save the Earth. Huh?

Gaia herself enlists her brother Phtisis to stop humanity’s polluting ways, raising an army capable of ‘converting’ human recruits to their cause. This episodic adventure, one of three, has been described as a reverse tower defence title. As a big fan of the genre, turning it on its head sounds like a lot of fun.

Key features in Too Many Humans include:

  • Collect resources: In order to feed the horde, players will have to ’forcefully recruit’ new troops by using humans to enlarge their ranks. This “flesh” resource that players recover can then be used to create more zombies to overwhelm humanity’s strongholds.
  • Mutate your zombies to adapt your tactics: The mutation mechanic gives players flexibility in their tactical approach. Some zombies will be more resistant, others capable of causing explosions, some will collect resources by consuming whatever gets in their way, be it humans, cars, or lampposts.
  • Control the battlefield: Players will have to manage their resources, special troops, and enemies to make the best decisions during battle. By doing so and reacting to the challenges of each level, their relentless zombie waves will carry them to victory. In the case of defeat, players will be able to raise their army of the dead again and adapt their strategy to defeat the last remnants of humanity.

After spending what could be considered a lifetime playing Zerg in the various Starcraft games, I wanted to recreate the feeling of the horde coming and going and harassing the opponent to the point of exhaustion, while making the control easier and more intuitive. I hope that players will find this experience in Too Many humans.

Julien Millet, creative director at RealityZ

With over seven levels in the first episode, allowing for travel across the United States to ‘spread chaos and desolation’, players can expect to see the next episode in February 2022 and the follow up in June 2022, respectively.

Check out the vid:

Too Many Humans is out now on Steam for £5.79 / $7.99 / €6.59 from RealityZ. A review will follow once I’ve reduced their numbers…