Triple Take Review - I Kept Playing

A bit of a perfectionist? Attempt the same level three times to get it right, only it'll change each time in Triple Take...

Triple Take review
Source: Steam

Let me log out of my Steam Deck so I can continue this Triple Take review on the desktop. While playing so beautifully on the best digital rectangle in gaming, a few levels in and some fourth wall crushing, access was needed to the game’s files.

What the fluff? Are we hackers now, or what? Not at all, but it’s all part of the gameplay. On the back of the imaginary box, it says that this game is a 2D precision platformer (it is – it’s also a horror game…), though it doesn’t say anything about the story.

Initially, you’re running through a series of platform-based stages, but then everything gets complicated and… aware. After playing a couple of scenes, you start receiving messages from someone, asking you to keep playing and follow their guidance. What exactly is going on here? Surely it’s a simple platform game with a few variations of each level, right? Do I need to hack the mainframe again? What is this – the 90s?!

Triple Take Review - New in town
New in town. Source: Steam

Triple Take Review

Triple Take stands out on two accounts. First, it’s the concept: replay the same stage three times; with each progressive play, elements are removed, and new items are added. FlyAway’s game isn’t a procedurally generated game, and the core structure for each stage remains the same; there are just enough changes to make it fresh.

For instance, you’ll start a level with a handful of platforms to jump off of, and within their design will be some perforated elements that imply that it’ll disappear on the next attempt. Add some sharp, hurty, pointy spikes and maybe something shooting at you, and you’ll get the idea. If that’s not a good enough explanation, watch the trailer further down (or play the game).

Getting back to where we began, Triple Take is not remotely demanding in terms of system requirements, so playing on the Steam Deck made sense – and it worked, for the most part. Control your chap with either the left stick or d-pad, and Robert’s your mother’s brother. However, due to the storyline, you’ll need access to your PC game files to continue the game as it crashes, by design, and you have to move some game files.

Triple Take Review - Glitchy
Glitchy. Source: Steam / Woody. Source: Steam

You Kept Playing

This was a great addition, and if it wasn’t for the minor disappointment that the fun couldn’t continue in the lounge, jumping on the desktop with the keyboard was fine. Perhaps better. The bleepy bloppy sound effects used for gameplay and the dialogue doesn’t get me nostalgic as I’ve never really been a fan, but the music, as performed by Tobias Roberts, easily makes up for it. BUTT, Triple Take’s gameplay is the draw, as it keeps you on your toes by switching in and out of fullscreen mode when you’re interrupted (intentionally) by dialog pop-ups.

Interacting with the desktop files was a good mechanic and reminded me of the excellent Who’s Lila? Though very different games, that existential element worked well – even if a part of me felt I was granting a backdoor hack into my computer that may reveal photos of me in budgie-smuggling Speedos. That’s made up for comic effect. Still, I hope those pics of me cosplaying don’t get out… Anyway, yes, lots of fourth wall stuff like in Restless Soul. It’s smashing stuff.

Switching between windows was fun, but occasionally it can be an annoyance as the simple but brutal platforming is the pull here. Initially, in black and white and later in some bold colours that’d make the ZX Spectrum blush, Triple Take is basic in presentation but effective with its tried and tested approach. There isn’t any urgency to speedrun through levels (though you do need quick reactions), and it doesn’t have the same ferocity as Super Meat Boy, but the accuracy of jumps with zero lags or floatiness and the added bonus of finding collectibles make it an entertaining game. 

In short, Triple Take is a great indie platformer that’s pretty innovative in its approach – both in gameplay and narrative, and it gets a thumbs up from me. If only we could have played it in full on the Steam Deck…