Turbo Shell's All About The Push And Pull

Turbo Shell's All About The Push And Pull
Source: Steam

Developers are obsessed with 80s nostalgia, but get it right, and you might end up with a trailer as good as Radioactive Dreams’ precision platformer, Turbo Shell – coming to Steam this month.

Unlike rotund little plumbers, this platforming hero uses a tool to propel them around each stage, classified as the EPS (Egg Propulsion System). This ain’t no ordinary jetpack: the EPS allows you to push yourself off surfaces with the blue ray, and pull with an orange ray.

Your motivation? You play good egg, Craig, and must thwart the malicious Evil Egg. There’ll be flirting with lasers, buzzsaws and hazardous corridors, and not one – repeat: not one bad egg joke in this post. I thank you.

Here’s that Turbo Shell trailer mentioned at the start:

Turbo Shell is available for Steam from the 23rd of May, 2023. Not convinced? Try the demo and wishlist it simultaneously for a free prize: a notification when the game is released.