Turrican Flashback Features Four Classics In Digital Or Physical Format

Turrican Flashback Features Four Classics In Digital Or Physical Format
Source: PR

Turrican Flashback is heading to the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch, featuring four of the classic games in one groovy digital or physical package. Steady.

Anyone familiar with the C-word that is, Commodore, will remember TurricanTurrican II was the one that lured me in, and I’m thrilled to see it get an overhaul for the PS4 and Switch.

INNIN Games and Strictly Limited Games are putting together both digital and physical releases for the beloved series, featuring the original development team, Factor 5.

Turrican Flashback - Boss
I’m the boss. Source: PR

A 90s classic, this action title is a platform shooter with some of the most gratifying weapons of the era, and one of the best 16-bit soundtracks in my <ahem> professional opinion.

Turrican Flashback is a completed of four titles: Turrican, Turrican II: The Final Fight, Mega Turrican and Super Turrican. Ratalaika Games were also involved, and they’ve been involved in a good share of Switch titles, so know what they’re doing.

Turrican Flashback will be in widescreen, new filters, minimal HUD elements and ‘perfectly rendered audio’ from the original soundtracks. Woot!

Features include:

  • 4 classic titles, Turrican, Turrican II: The Final Fight, Mega Turrican and Super Turrican in one awesome package!
  • Reworked modern control scheme that streamlines the series and makes them more approachable than ever before.
  • Customize your experience with shaders, wallpapers and different display options.
  • Gigantic levels, heart-blazing action and huge boss fights. Suit up and prepare for mayhem!
  • Rewind feature and save states allows you to take on the challenge… with some help!
  • Timeless and critically acclaimed soundtracks by composer Chris Huelsbeck!

…and here’s a trailer:

Turrican Flashback is coming soon, so watch this space…