Tux And Fanny On The Switch

Tux And Fanny On The Switch
Source: Itch.io

As a Brit, reading the title Tux and Fanny makes me titter like a schoolboy. Is it a tongue-in-cheek title? A bit of clever title to make chumps like me have a look? It doesn’t matter as it’s got my attention, and it’s all positive.

From Gabriel Koenig (Jettomero: Hero of the Universe – good game!) and director Albert Birney who created the animated feature Tux and Fanny, the two joined forces (Ghost Time Games) as the latter was interested in making it into a game.

Tux and Fanny for Switch
What are they up to now!? Source: Itch.io

In 16 months of juggling game development and showcasing a film (Strawberry Mansion) at the last Sundance Film Festival, the two have made a collection of mini-games – a fascinating fusion where film and gaming meet in ways that one medium couldn’t achieve on its own.

According to legend (the promo material), Tux and Fanny was completed remotely via Twitter DM and was the catalyst for saving Koenig’s interest in making games. Thank goodness he stuck it out as this one’s firmly on the radar and ‘just my thing’. How about you?

Check out the Tux and Fanny trailer:

Tux and Fanny is available now on the Nintendo Switch and also on Itch.io. If you find that the latest Wario game is a bit pricey, perhaps this is an even better alternative – seemingly with heaps more substance…