Twin Mirror Out Now On Steam

Twin Mirror Out Now On Steam
Source: Steam

The release of Twin Mirror completely confused me. Wasn’t this launched last December? Yes, it was, but it never reached Steam, for some reason, but now it is and has a 50% launch discount. 

From DONTNOD Entertainment, the studio that brought us VampyrTwin Mirror is a psychological thriller following the story of Sam Higgs, set in Basswood, West Virginia. After the death of his best friend, he returns home, which kickstarts some investigatory work.

Hardly a coincidence, our man Sam is an ex-investigative journalist with an exceptional skill that allows him to revisit his past and reconstruct events. He’s assisted by his alter ego – Double, who is a ‘more social and empathetic side of himself that only he can see’. With their help, Sam will make important decisions that will impact the world around him, providing a very tailored experience.

Here’s a Twin Mirror accolades trailer:

Already released on Epic Games Store, PS4/5 and the Xboxeseses, Twin Mirror is now out for Steam with a playable demo, too. Note that the demo will remain in your library should you wish to keep it, but based on that hefty discount, surely you want to snap up the full game? No, I’m not on commission.