TY The Tasmanian Tiger HD Coming To The Switch

TY The Tasmanian Tiger HD Coming To The Switch

Millenials are poaching us crusties’ youths by having videogame royalty dusted off and sealed in a beautiful new digital HD package. First (not accurate) it was Crash Bandicoot, then Spyro and now we have TY the Tasmanian Tiger HD, coming to la Switch.

Though that was just the opener. No complaints from me as the more converts to these classics the better, and even more appealing is I can relive my youth and play on-the-go, i.e. at home in handheld mode.

TY the Tasmanian Tiger was released in the early noughties on the GameCube, Xbox, PS2 and later, the PC. My experience was on the PS2, and it was a chance purchase that flourished into a memorable adventure.

TY The Tasmanian Devil - Jungle 2 Jungle
Jungle 2 Jungle remake. Source: PR

Based on the rapper, TY the Tasmanian Tiger HD follows the titular character searching for thundereggs. That’s a euphemism if ever I heard one. However, it’s a family-friendly 3D action platformer where TY is armed with his trusty boomerangs.

The twist with the Switch version isn’t just HD graphics, but you will now be able to throw his boomerangs by using the Joy-Cons, allowing them to tilt and glide in the process. 

There’s lots of other technical stuff, but the important thing is the remaster of a beloved game. Krome Studios have paid attention to the feedback from the original that it was for babies. Not true. Still, they’ve countered that and there’s now a Hardcore Mode.

TY the Tasmanian Tiger HD was another Kickstarter success story by fans of this 20-year-old title, much like Shenmue 3.

For 20 years now TY the Tasmanian Tiger has been at the heart of our game making-philosophy here at Krome Studios.

Robert Walsh, CEO Krome Studios.
TY The Tasmanian Devil - Baby shark
Baby shark, do-do-do-do-do-do. Source: PR

I was once told that an acquaintance saw one of these things in their garden in Tasmania. Works out it was a Tasmanian Devil, not a Tasmanian Tiger which is allegedly extinct. However, I saw one in the library a few months ago. It’s true. I’ve been to the library billions of times.

I know you come here for the anecdotes.

Other than the Joy-Con element, the game will feature:

  • 17 levels of iconic Australian Outback
  • Collect opals, golden cogs and thundereggs
  • 12 different boomerangs
  • Mystical talismans
  • Optimised visuals and audio exclusively for the Switch edition.

TY the Tasmanian Tiger HD is out now for North American eShop users, Europe from the 3rd April and the 4th April for Australia and New Zealand.