Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos Unlocks The Doors To Early Access This Month

Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos Unlocks The Doors To Early Access This Month
Source: PR

Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos is the epitome of the double-take. For several weeks, a thumbnail has been in my peripheral of feeds, but I’ve always dismissed it as ‘ADDON’ DLC for a game I do not own. 

I could have omitted that opener, but you need to know that sometimes Son, people have flaws. Even your old man. Anyway… Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos is a bona fide title, that will enter Early Access territory later this month.

From uber publisher Assemble Entertainment (biased – they’re launching so many great titles of late, including point and clicks) and developer Team ADOM, this is a modern approach to the classic rogue-like dungeon crawler.

Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos - Crawly
Crawly. Source: PR

Featuring all the genre’s hallmarks; procedurally generated maps, monsters and items, this is a sequel 25 years in the making. Alas, I haven’t played the first, and based on the brief research, I missed out. Still, this sequel has a lot to offer, especially the characters.

It was the screenshots of characters that caught my eye, and when seeing the Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos gameplay footage, it went on to the watchlist.

Set in Ancardia, evil returns to the lands, once visited before in the prequel, and you must venture forth into the depths to experience an endless supply of spells, weapons and abilities for anyone needing a dungeon crawler fix.

Check out the trailer for Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos and rejoice at the like/dislike ratio based on the gender feature. Ignoring the responses, this looks great:

Ultimate ADOM Caverns of Chaos will be going into Early Access from the 18th of February.