UltraGoodness 2 Is All About Time Manipulation And A Companion Kitty

UltraGoodness 2 Is All About Time Manipulation And A Companion Kitty
Source: Ratalaika Games

Aye Karumba – a couple of mad days playing catch up there with all the last-minute demos on during the Steam Game Festival! And, back to the news: Ratalaika Games’ latest title UltraGoodness 2.

Time travel, time stoppage and anything else related to the subject usually has me scratching my head, unable to fathom paradoxes and the like. Fortunately then, this there is no time in this frantic battle game.

Coming to multiple platforms, UltraGoodness 2, developed by Rasul Mono, tells the classic tale of good and evil – in this case, the ‘Dark Forces are ready to be torn to pieces in this bloody action game’, using the time manipulation, and the assistance of a companion cat…?

Key features in the game include:

  • Battle between Good and Evil
  • Fast-paced shooting action gameplay
  • Special time-motion mechanic
  • Fluffy white cat companion with powerful upgrades
  • Splatter blood all over the levels

Wanna see a trailer for UltraGoodness 2?

UltraGoodness 2 is out now on the PS5 and PS4, Xbox Series X and Xbox One, and will be out on the Nintendo Switch from the 12th of February for NA and EU.