Unavowed Out Now On The Switch, Time To Let Out That Inner Demon

Unavowed Out Now On The Switch, Time To Let Out That Inner Demon
Source: Wadjet Eye Games

It would be a sad day for gaming if there weren’t a point and click on the horizon, and it is with great pleasure to inform you that Wadjet Eye Game’s Unavowed has released on the Nintendo Switch.

Usually, a news piece will say when a game is coming out or the launch date. Unfortunately, I’ve been holding on to this information for a few days due to being a bit busy. I know, right? The world nearly exploded – where else will you get your adventure fix? Rhetorical.

Unavowed - Hello, society
Hello, Society… Source: Wadjet Eye Games

Unavowed takes place in The Big Apple. You’ve ‘awoken’ amid a hazy memory for the past year. It transpires you’ve been possessed by a demon and went on a murderous rampage. Now it’s time to make up for it by making everyone a nice cup of tea.

Joining you in that fictitious tea-making are a team of supernatural crime-fighters. Without recollection of the atrocities you’ve committed, one would surmise that you’ve been left off the hook, pending you help the goodies defeat the baddies. Honestly? This adventure looks ace.

With a series of puzzles that will change depending on your team line-up, Unavowed was highly acclaimed on its PC release, even getting crowned Adventure Gamer’s 2018 Game of the Year award. Now it’s the Switch’s turn:

Unavowed is out now on the Nintendo Switch, and if there’s any scope for coverage, you can be sure I’ll write about it here!