Undying Gets An Updated Playable Demo During Festival

Undying Gets An Updated Playable Demo During Festival
Source: Steam

Undying is a game I had the pleasure of playing as a demo some time ago, and now there’s a new one available during the Steam Game Festival that I encourage you to check out.

In Skystone Games and Vanimals’ story-driven survival game, you play the part of a mother and son aiming to stay alive. The mother, Ainling, intends to keep son, Cody, alive to rebuild humanity following a zombie apocalypse.

While you will take on zombies through combat, you can opt to sneak past a lot too, which is recommended as items are sparse and health quite minimal. But it’s not the action that sold the game to me first hand, but the story.

In the short playtime, as in deaths, I bonded with Cody and took him on as my own, experimenting with different ‘builds’ of Ainling to see me through. She can craft weapons and rations, investing in the appropriate attributes – there is no one way of doing everything.

We all know that visuals to not maketh the game, but they are gorgeous here in this isometric type viewpoint, and though I played the demo before, I’d happily repeat the experience. However, there are new features added:

  • New and Improved Side Quests (Help the survivors!)
  • Updated Quest Tips (It’s not kill 10 rats.)
  • Improved Tutorial (Do this, not this!)
  • Sharpened Combat (Jab jab!)

In case you haven’t seen Undying in action (seriously, download the demo), check out the trailer below:

Undying will be available during the Steam Game Festival this week.