Verdun and Tannenberg Double Bill Set For PlayStation In 2022

Verdun and Tannenberg Double Bill Set For PlayStation In 2022
Source: PR

Are you an FPS fan and want something that doesn’t have Call of Duty as a prefix? GS2 Games have confirmed that two WWI FPS titles are heading to PlayStation next year: Verdun and Tannenberg.

Verdun is exclusively trench warfare, because y’know – this actually happened and not just a skirmish for your entertainment. Though, it looks entertaining for sure. If mastering a rifle and bayonet close quarter combat is your thing.

The second title is Tannenberg. Located on the Eastern Front, up to 40 players will go all out, capturing ‘realistic music, sound and voices that evoke the feeling of actually being in the midst of bloody battle’. Gulp. With a wealth of historical warfare, these are two titles you might want to jot down.

Here’s the Tannenberg trailer:

Both Verdun and Tannenberg are scheduled for release in January 2022 for PS4/5, priced at $24.99 US and equivalent.