Warriors Rise To Glory Leaves Early Access

Warriors Rise To Glory Leaves Early Access
Source: Steam

Online games aren’t my thing – eff everyone else and leave me to my cave. Breaking character, I ended up covering the Early Access version of Warriors Rise To Glory while playing others online, and it was fun. Well, it leaves Early Access today.

It’s a sword and sandals epic – that is, you face off against fellow gladiators to bolster your defences, attack and repertoire of sharts and faux gangster memes. It doesn’t take itself seriously, and neither should you.

Lifestyle advice out of the way, Gavra Games’ Warriors Rise To Glory is an enjoyable turn-based fighter where the more you play, the greater opportunities to kit out your fighter and make way to the hall of fame. You can read more on what I think here.

Warriors Rise To Glory key features include:

  • High Stakes, Over-the-top Brutal Combat: Crush other players’ skulls with a mighty axe, pierce their armor with a deadly arrow or kick them onto deadly traps all in the name of glory! Raise the stakes and bet wisely to win great rewards – but if you fail, you could lose your life, glory and all your gear!
  • I Was Born Like This, Seriously: Create your custom warrior with the craziest looks, and bestow him with the most ridiculous fearsome titles. You wanna be The Great Potato? Be our guest!
  • Settle Your Beef: Play online with and against your friends to prove once and for all which lineage’s brood really is peak of the pack.
  • Form Powerful Alliances: Keep your enemies close and your allies closer! Pick trustworthy and strong allies to execute a winning strategy in battle…but trust no one – alliances are fragile… 
  • Level Up: Gain experience and level up your warriors with better weapons, armor, stats, and skills to pass down for generations to come.
  • Battle Your Way: Prove your strength in a 1 v 1 battle, team up in a 2 v 2 battle or co-op boss battles, or take on the world in “Free for All” combat.
  • Are You Not Entertained?: Boost your favorite warrior’s lineage, hype up the crowd and rally them to your advantage or line your pockets by betting on a game of chance at the local tavern.
  • Roguelike Gameplay: in Warriors: Rise to Glory Multiplayer once a warrior is dead, he is dead, however, the house they built will remain solid and upright for future generations. 
  • You Are Judge, Jury, and Executioner: As the all-powerful and superior warrior in a deathmatch, you decide the fate of your fallen foe – to kill or to humiliate? Each decision has its own reward.

… and a Warriors Rise To Glory trailer:

Warriors Rise To Glory is available now, released from the shackles of Early Access, and farting in your general direction.