Waste Not, Want Naut - Wastenauts In Kickstarter For PC

Wastenauts in Kickstarter
Source: Steam

No longer on the turn, I’m committed to turn-based games and card-building genres and can’t seem to get enough of them. So, here’s some info on Wastenauts – launching on PC in 2022.

Wait – 2022? But that’s like, next year! If you’re basing time on the last 12 months, you’ll be surprised. Besides, the game has shifted into a Kickstarter campaign to gather the pennies to produce it.

Set in the future – hopefully not our lifetime, Skynet is a reality and machines have taken over the lands. Humanity (that’s us) has retired to the skies, but their survival depends upon salvage teams who complete raids on the surface, called Divers.

These divers have a limited number of days to explore the environment and loot it. Setting up camp, you venture out with your party (Wastenauts is a co-op card-building dungeon crawler-type game), getting the best gear is just one aspect of the expedition; the other is battling enemies.

Wastenauts - Tunnelling
Tunnel rats. Source: Steam

A turn-based game from Razbury Games, players can use both cards for buffs and debuffs and die to complete the actions, then share the loot accordingly. Each time they can return to their camp, which acts as a base, but once the time is up, they have to battle a boss specifically to that level – if you can’t beat them, you lose the loot.

Wastenauts features include:

  • Co-op as an additive experience: As long-time board and card game fans, we built this game to play with each other. That doesn’t mean you can’t go it solo – the party’s four characters can be controlled by one to four players.
  • An ever-changing wasteland: No two game sessions will ever be quite the same. You’re exploring – and fighting against – a location deck, and what goes into that deck, well, who knows?
  • Bring-your-own-game: In Adventure Mode, you craft the location deck. Stuff it full of monsters, or just put in a bunch of loot. Easy, hard, brutal – build the experience you want to play and then grab a few friends to share it with.

Here’s the Wastenauts trailer:

Again, it’s not out until next year, so if you want to make that happen, head over to the Kickstarter page for details on the game’s pledges and additional features.