Weapon Of Choice DX - What's Yours, Fellow 'Older Gamer'?

Weapon Of Choice DX coming September
Source: Nintendo

Weapon Of Choice DX has a tag line of ‘wild run and gun for older gamers’, and while shmup is the type of thing I grew up on while eating Wheetos and watching Mask, it won’t be a game I’ll be covering, but maybe a look-see for yourself.

From Mommy’s Best Games, who released Shoot 1UP DX, it’s a traditional shooter, only it chucks in some innovations like their other title such as Death-brushing and Spider Pack – providing slow motion, and I don’t know – spider senses?

Weapon Of Choice DX - Extinction time
Extinction time. Source: Nintendo

The Weapon Of Choice DX version improves upon the XBLIG hit and features ‘difficulty rebalancing, hidden collectibles, a new widescreen layout, and uprezzed 4K art’.

If you’re experienced, you’ve probably played a lot of run ‘n’ guns. Weapon of Choice DX stays true to the formula but makes lots of exciting tweaks. There is no regular ‘life’ system, but instead, each of your three lives is a unique character with their own ‘weapon of choice.

Nathan Fouts, Lead Designer

Here’s the trailer:

Weapon Of Choice DX is now available for pre-order on the Nintendo eShop and will also be coming to the PS4/5 and Xbox One from the 2nd of September.