What Happened Will Be Revealed In This Psychological Horror

What Happened Will Be Revealed In This Psychological Horror
Source: Katnappe

Teen horror What Happened is out now on Steam from developer Genius Slackers.

Yawn… a high school drama putting the spotlight on teenage angst when… wait, what’s this? A psychological horror that explores a drug-fuelled roller coaster ride for protagonist Stiles?


In this game from publisher Katnappe and developer Genius Slackers, players get to explore an alternate reality that co-exists with Stiles’ perception of the real world, steering him away from self-destruction.

What Happened - Veg
Eat your veg. Source: Katnappe

Experience ‘rampant vegetation, predatory beasts and the claws of hungry demons, representations of his memories and deepest LSD-fuelled fears’. 

…we made this game with our emotions. We poured ourselves into its corridors and the result turned out exactly how we wanted. We made it through this journey and got the happy ending. We hope our players will too.

Hassan Mehdiasl, Katnappe

Check out the trailer below and stick it out as there’s a shift in the way it starts:


What Happened is out now on Steam, with a 10% discount throughout the launch week.