White Shadows Will Be Illuminating PC's This Year

White Shadows Will Be Illuminating PC's This Year
Source: Steam

It was inevitable that I’d miss some titles during the Steam Next Fest, but that’s why I made a list (in case you missed some too). Having just got the memo, you need to check out White Shadows.

This looks superb. As a massive contradiction, I love vibrant colours but have a keen eye for black and white. If we judge aesthetics alone, this upcoming title from Monokel and published by Headup Games (Aerial_Knights’ Never Yield) and Mixtvision (Minute of Islands) is tremendous.

White Shadows - Put on the spot
Put on the spot. Source: Steam

Ticking all the boxes for colour choice, 50 Shades Of Grey cliches to one side, the trailer is a showreel that looks inspired by German Expressionism and film noir. But what about the gameplay, this isn’t a film site… or is it?

Set in the futuristic ‘The White City’, humanity has evolved into half-human, half-animal. To pre-empt a pandemic, the wealthy cake their skin in bright light, but it appears the ruling wolves are deceiving them.

In White Shadows, you play little Ravengirl as she attempts to escape the city, searching for the mythical place named Tin Town – a sanctuary for the last free people. However, in short, White Shadows is ‘a distorted mirror of our own world, funny, fucked up and a little meaningful’

Key features include:

  • ​Puzzle solving, jump’n’run and narrative gameplay experience
  • Simple, but deep intuitive controls
  • Handcrafted unique artstyle, equal parts sci fi and industrial age steampunk
  • Entertainment meets social criticism in an exciting story

…and here’s the trailer that started the drooling:

Gutted I missed out on the demo. While there isn’t a release date yet, White Shadows is scheduled for a release in 2021, so make sure to wishlist it.