White Shadows: Once Upon A Midnight Dreary

White Shadows: Once Upon A Midnight Dreary
Put on the spot. Source: Steam

Ever since seeing Thunderful Games’ White Shadows, I’ve been drooling about the visuals. Yeah, that’s pretty shallow, but I’m a fan of black and white movies and art stripped of colour. And judging by the lighting effects, this is the kind of art I like.

A platform puzzler, you play as little Ravengirl, desperate to escape the life she leads – a dystopian society founded on propaganda. Considering social status, Ravengirl is pretty much on the bottom and can’t bear being oppressed any further.

With the guards on her tail, who’ll make no hesitation in gunning her down, and environmental hazards such as industrial machinery that’ll grind her down to dust, the only way is up and out if she’s to make a life for herself.

Here’s one of the White Shadows trailers that wowed me:

White Shadows will release on PC and Xbox Series X/S on the 7th of December. A PS5 version will soon be available.