Who You Callin' Chicken, PaperKlay?

Who You Callin' Chicken, PaperKlay?
Source: Steam

You may have already heard about PaperKlay, and no, we’re not talking about that stuff you can pick up in your local hobby shop, but the 3D platformer from WhyKev.

A classic 3D open-world platformer at a glance, you’ll soon note you can turn it all on its head as this very world can be manipulated by opening, unfolding, and rotating it. Think a 360º Fez. Perhaps.

PaperKlay follows the adventure of a chicken at the helm; equipped with a double-jump and dash, it has all the hallmarks of a decent platformer, only you can play at your leisure as there’s no combat or timers to worry about.

Other key features include:

  • A loveable chicken hero!
  • Strange and charming characters!
  • Free-flowing movement!
  • An intriguing, handmade open world!
  • Explore puzzle game mini levels as your trusty sidekick Nugget!

Check out the gameplay trailer here:

PaperKlay doesn’t have a release date just yet, but wishlist on Steam and you’ll soon find out…