Seed With Friends Online In Wildmender During The Steam Survival Festival

Seed With Friends Online In Wildmender During The Steam Survival Festival
Source: Steam

Another Steam festival? I’m sitting this one out, but let’s say that it’s worth noting that Wildmender should be on your list if you’re snooping around the Steam Survival Fest, looking for something to play.

From Muse Games and Kwalee, this survival game (duh) is about restoring the environment. But before you call Greta and buy yourself a new ring binder, Wildmender is about building a better world, but with up to three other friends online in co-op. Not real life, silly.

Exploration is key, and there’s a fair amount to be seen. You’ll need to traverse the ‘boundless dunes’ in the hope of salvaging the right resources to rebuild your own paradise. Check out the features list below:

  • Explore diverse procedurally generated worlds, with a variety of unique plant and animal species to discover;
  • Scour the landscape to obtain new seeds, and commune with lost spirits to unlock new craftable items and magical abilities;
  • Create an oasis where you can plant seeds and harvest succulent fruit that will keep you nourished on your long trips into the desert;
  • Create an oasis where you can plant seeds and harvest succulent fruit that will keep you nourished on your long trips into the desert;
  • Construct buildings, lay out your irrigation system, decorate your base, and build your own custom garden;
  • Manage your resources effectively to stave off starvation and thirst in the unforgiving desert;
  • Protect your world from the corruptive influence of the wraiths using a range of weapons and magical abilities;
  • Uncover the mystery behind a fallen civilization by interacting with its ruins and communing with the echoes of the past;
  • Befriend the local wildlife and receive magical boons in exchange;
  • Inhabit a living and breathing landscape, where plants take root, blossom, and die in real-time life cycles;
  • Build your own lush paradise in singleplayer or develop an oasis with up to 3 friends in co-op mode;
  • Customize your character with crafted items and clothing.

And, the announcement trailer:

Wildmender is available to play as a demo on Steam up until the 8th of August. You don’t need an invite – head there now.