World of Soccer Online Competes With Your Online Schedule

World of Soccer Online is free-to-play
Source: Steam

World of Soccer Online is a free-to-play online football game for ‘soccer’ enthusiasts, which can be played on a Personal Computer.

There wasn’t much to go on where I read some press material for World of Soccer Online – just a few assets and a trailer (down below) that had me reaching for the 7UP Cherry and Fizzy Chewits as it brought up all sorts of nostalgia for Sensible Soccer.

Looking on Steam, reviews were going back to 2015, so in a sheer lack of investigative journalism, I surmised that it was available on Steam but has now been launched as a free-to-play online game.

World of Soccer - Trojans
Trojans aren’t just rubbery. Source: Steam

Playing football with a mouse doesn’t draw me in, but the presentation does.

In World of Soccer Online you only control one player, but let’s face it, a lot of us do anyway – playing a through-ball or long-ball to our star player/goal hanger to reap the rewards. 

While most will probably opt for the latter, I always favoured the defensive game, and this is an option too. Choose from the following positions:

  • BC
  • DMC
  • MC
  • MR
  • ML
  • AMC
  • ST

These are real positions. If you don’t know what they mean, you’re not in the special gang.

As this piece has progressed, so has my detective skills and ’tis true: the game was released in 2015, but has gone through a significant overhaul from the WoS Development Team (a one-man band?). If you look at the updates on Steam, you’ll see there’s a lot of work involved.

Watch some sprites kick a ball:

Ignoring the mouse element, World of Soccer Online looks like a tidy title and a bit of a passion project. Encourage the dev’s hard work by visiting the Steam page and doing the necessary.