Driving Platformer Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom Demo On Steam

Driving Platformer Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom Demo On Steam
Source: Steam

Steam Next Fest February 2023 is almost here, so is there anything you should be making a note of now? How about Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom? It’s out later this year, but a demo is already available to play on Steam.

From Panik Arcade and Those Awesome Guys (Monster Prom), this is a throwback driving platformer without a jump button. An arcade game at heart, there appears to be a story tucked in there, too, as you take on Big Oil ‘in an effort to regulate big business practices in the face of a massive recession and overwhelming debts!’ Awww.

Key features in Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom include:

  • A platformer without a jump button – instead you launch your taxi into the air using stylish tricks!
  • Search every nook and granny and find those hidden gears to unlock the next level
  • Drive through wacky locations like Morio’s Home, Granny’s Island or The Moon
  • Compete for first place in the leaderboard in Time Attack mode
  • Collect coins to spend on stylish hats for your car. Très avant-garde! 
  • An amazingly detailed 3D world with 8k textures
  • The taxi has a key in its back, an important key feature 🙂

Would you like to see a trailer? Clickety click!

Out later this year, you can play the Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom demo before the Steam Next Fest kicks off. Go on, download it.