Zipp's Cafe To Open In November

Zipp's Cafe game review
Source: The Wild Gentlemen

Ack! It’s already hard enough to cover as many titles as possible, but when all that info is in one place, it gets… comfortable. If I hadn’t ventured ‘outside’, however, I’d never been able to tell you about Zipp’s Café – out next month.

Why, oh why, is this important? It’s by The Wild Gentlemen, who made the excellent Chicken Police, coincidentally one of the best noir/detective games around, and they’re bringing everyone’s favourite raccoon back (not MCU).

This is Zipp H. Murphy’s establishment – a hotbed for cops and criminals who want the best cup of Joe in town. Zipp’s Café is a ‘cozy café management sim’ where you get to cook and clean your own place while chinwagging with the locals in Clawville.

Check out the announcement trailer here:

Unlike the black and white palette seen in Chicken PoliceZipp’s Café is a vibrant hand-drawn affair, and from what I can see, this will be great. Mark down the 15th of November 2023 on your calendar.