Zombo Buster Rising Steadies Its Sights On Consoles

Zombo Buster Rising Steadies Its Sights On Consoles
Source: Steam

The promo material was a bit vague for Zombo Buster Rising, but since the invention of the internet, it’s pretty easy to look it up and find out for yourself what kind of game it is.

Classed as a 2D side shooting-defence game, you pick off zombies from the top of a terrace because, y’know – zombies. At a glance, this game that’s been ported to consoles by ChiliDog Interactive, comes across as a casual affair but infused with some upgradeable items, skills, and assistance from NPCs.

Zombo Buster Rising - Top Trumps
Top Trumps. Source: Steam

Zombo Buster Rising looks like it has one of those journals featuring the enemies – a bit like Plants Vs Zombies, but is the game anything like that? Who knows? Still, it’s piqued my interest and something I’d like to play.

Here’s some footage from 2014 as there was nothing supplied that was recent…

Zombo Buster Rising is due for release on the Nintendo Switch, PS4/5 and the Xboxesseses on the 25th of October 2021.