Stop Drooling, The Mermaid's Tongue Looks Delicious

Mermaid's Tongue
Source: Steam

Do you remember when the Nintendo Switch first launched? 1-2-Switch was initially the ‘landmark’ title, but one of those earlier standouts was SFB Games’ Snipperclips: Cut It Out, Together! Well, they’re back, this time with detective mystery The Mermaid’s Tongue.

Following detective duo Grimoire and Sally in their all-new underwater adventure, they must investigate the murder of an alleged immortal time-traveller. Or vampire. Most knew him as the captain of the world’s strangest submarine.

In The Mermaid’s Tongue, your task is to find the killer from a list of eight eccentric suspects, utilising the trusty Mortuga Submarine to discover its many oddities and secrets. With hand-drawn 2D animation and satisfying puzzles designed to ‘encourage curiosity, experimentation, and that ultimate “aha!” moment of discovery’, you’ll be pleased to know this is a talkie, too.

Watch the trailer here:

There’s a playable demo available now on Steam, so I suggest you also try out The Mermaid’s Tongue now. Perhaps we’ll see each other in the murky depths?